Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sun Lovin'

I find this post especially important due to the numerous cases going on today.
It has been proven that tanning salons are much worse than regular sun-tanning.
My family friend of whom i have known for years has received bad news of her skin cancer on her back. 
She previously describes herself as a "sun worshipper".
As she has told me_ "I would always go out to the beach and lie down and just bake myself there. Now I wish I had never done that".

It hurts me to know that so may people, especially younger ones are struck with this issue. 
I strongly encourage beach-goers, even myself to always protect your skin. It is the largest organ in your body and it should be protected. 

Use sunblock, go under an umbrella, wear sunglasses. . . .just be aware.


  1. So true. I never bothered with sunscreen.But this year when I got make up done for prom I was told that I had sun spots. And it freaked me out!
    Now I make sure I have sun block and am not in the sun too long.

  2. Hi, I am TeenVoguette on TeenVogue.com I am following you too now. ^__^

    (my op of your post) My grandma loved to garden, all day she'd be working outside and she lost alot of skin to skin cancer. It was pretty scary being 5yo watching your grandma come up to you with a giant bandaid on a spot of her body and and say "wear sunscreen". Lets just say I always have haha

  3. I am as white as it gets, and I am proud of it!:) I wish more people would realize that stuff like that really can happen to them, but they won't believe it til it happens to them.

  4. i have just read your thread on teenvogue. Already followed. Hope you do it as well. I'm new. Btw, you're cute. :3

  5. For someone so worried about the sun, you don't even wear a towel or anything, just a bikini. Not wise gal.
