Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sun Lovin'

I find this post especially important due to the numerous cases going on today.
It has been proven that tanning salons are much worse than regular sun-tanning.
My family friend of whom i have known for years has received bad news of her skin cancer on her back. 
She previously describes herself as a "sun worshipper".
As she has told me_ "I would always go out to the beach and lie down and just bake myself there. Now I wish I had never done that".

It hurts me to know that so may people, especially younger ones are struck with this issue. 
I strongly encourage beach-goers, even myself to always protect your skin. It is the largest organ in your body and it should be protected. 

Use sunblock, go under an umbrella, wear sunglasses. . . .just be aware.

Any Eyebrow Troubles?

Yesterday I visited the Sephora store to fix my unruly eyebrows, well I found the perfect solution to hide stray hairs that conflict with your shape. 

And let me give you a hint: No tweezer is needed!

I found this Laura Mercier concealer which hides everything. - including annoying brow hair!
And to top this off, I just applied Anastasia brow powder for a natural look and there you go!
Also works great on younger skin, also!

My Secret to Bangin' Black Nails!

Lately, black and neon polishes are in for this summer. 
To improve the look of black nails to transfer it from grungy to cool and urban, all I do is put one clean coat of white polish first and then I let it dry so I won't get any hints of grey.
Next, I just put on two coats of my favorite black polish( which is Chanel's Black Satin)

and. . . . . .Voila! Try this at home everyone! It really looks great I even got comments coming from my favorite makeup departments! :)

British Invasion!

We all know that British sweetheart, Alexa Chung is the host of the new MTV show, 
It's On With Alexa Chung. 

One question about her is, is Alexa a style icon or not?

I loved her outfit with the pink ruffled dress along with the black leather booties. 
In my op, I think she has definite potential to be an icon with her witty, cool attitude and her great sense of style. 

What do you think?